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We love to offer programs for all ages, making sure everyone can feel connected to the body of Christ. Check out our kids programs, our weekly youth and young adult ministries, events for adults, small groups, and seniors! 

Youth Ministries

We desire to see students experiencing authentic relationship with God and each other; to assist students in moving from knowledge based faith to a tangible faith; and to provide opportunity for students to become active participants in the local and global church, so they become rooted in a relationship with God.


Wednesday nights we have Sr. High youth for high school students, where we dig deeper into God's Word, play games, and learn about how Jesus can be a part of our lives.


Thursday nights we have Jr. High youth for grade 7-8's where they can learn more about Jesus, hang out, play games, and learn about how Jesus can be a part of our lives.

Adult Ministries

The intention of this ministry is to create healthy community in our church amongst families and adults, and strengthen and encourage our church family. Our hope is to have a fun time together, get connected, and deepen our relationships with each other and with Christ.


Check out our upcoming events or church bulletin for adult ministries events!

Young @ Heart

This ministry exists BY, WITH and FOR older adults 55+. Having relationships and sharing life with others is essential at all stages in life. With many gifts, wisdom, knowledge and experience we can support each other and assist our church family in living out our vision to impact our community so people come to know JESUS AS SAVIOUR. As part of the church body we want to continue to be active and BLESS EACH OTHER and OTHERS by using our gifts and talents. We engage in fun,
informative, encouraging and outreach events through out the year offering a venue to strengthened old and foster new relationships as we continue ageing
but still produce the FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT.

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Children's Ministries

We desire to partner with families in our congregation to raise children who will live for Christ through various teaching and programming opportunities.


Sunday School is offered on Sunday mornings for infants up to grade 6, as well as for grades 7/8. Our Plan to Protect ensures we take a high standard of care for your children, and our volunteers.  Children's Ministry Registration forms are available to download here so you can complete and bring to the Kids Desk on Sunday prior to your child attending an age appropriate class.



Young Adults Ministry

We are a community of young adults focused on having our hearts revived for Jesus, seeing movement towards Christ in our generation, and allowing Christ to work through us to bring revival to our community. We are revived for a purpose. We long for Christ to renew us from the inside out so that we can impact our city with the gospel.


For more information and upcoming events, contact


OSAC Groups are smaller family like settings where you can connect deeper relationally and grow spiritually as a disciple of Jesus. There are many different groups, and gathering formats avaiable, click on learn more to visit our groups page.

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Prayers & Squares

Prayers & Squares is a ministry that provides prayer quilts for the ill or those going through a difficult time. As each knot is tied, a silent prayer is offered for someone in need – someone who has asked us to pray for them. The quilt is then given to that person. What makes each quilt unique is not the pattern, colour, or workmanship, but the fact that prayer is symbolically tied into each one. These "comforters" are a statement of faith, and a testimony to our belief in God and in the power of prayer.


If you know of someone who would like a prayer quilt, please pick up a prayer quilt request form from the hallway (near mailboxes) or download below and fill it out. Be sure you ask the recipient if they would like one and what their prayer requests are. If they are not believers, ask if they would like people to pray for them and help them voice their requests.

Baby Love Baskets

This is a ministry of Owen Sound Alliance Church to our community, providing baby gift baskets or bags to new mothers in need. We could use your help filling our shelves again with some needed items: baby wash, baby lotion, receiving blankets, gender neutral sleepers, and diaper cream. Please drop off items in the playpen outside the office. Thank you for your support of this ministry.  


Any donations can be brought to the church to be put in a baby love basket and sent out for families in need.

Men's Ministry

We value the importance of men at Owen Sound Alliance Church and the connections that are forged when men gather together.  Throughout the year special events and activities are planned that build on these values, while building on biblical teaching.  

Special Event Happening:  Men's Pickup Ice Hockey at Keady Arena, Friday nights, beginning October 21, 2024 at 10pm.  A Waiver form must be completed BEFORE participating.

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