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why give?

"But since you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you - see that you also excel in this grace of giving." - 2 Corinthians 8:7


Scripture reminds us of the importance of giving to those in need and to God's work. His Word tells us that when we give out of a faithful heart it is an act of worship that honours Him. God receives our gifts and multiplies them beyond what we could ever imagine.


Financial resources are a trust from God to be responsibly stewarded. It is our desire as leaders of Christ's church to ensure that our finances are handled in a God-honouring manner so His vision is being accomplished.


We encourage you to excel in this grace of giving for the advancement of God's kingdom here and around the world.

ways you can give:


If you wish to use this method for your donation, please send the e-transfer to:


Please ensure that you use the comment box in your transfer to designate to one of our approved funds.  If there is no designation it will automatically be put in the General Fund.


Questions?  Please email:


You can download the app from your mobile app store for both android and apple, or use the link below for any device.


Offering envelopes are available at the church, or you may request your own boxed set.  Just place your envelope in the offering boxes located throughout the front foyer. 

Offering envelopes can also be dropped off at the church through the week. 

by mail

Your donation can be sent by mail to:


Owen Sound Alliance Church

440 7th Avenue East

Owen Sound, ON  N4K 2X3



Email: or call 519-376-2026 ext. 222


To learn more about our designated funds check out our brochure


How we use your information we collect

Designated giving policy

All designated fund accounts are classed as 'special purpose trust funds' in keeping with Canada Revenue Agency, which means all donations to such funds can only be used by Owen Sound Alliance Church as designated/restricted by the donor. As such, Owen Sound Alliance Church has adopted the following policy:


Spending of funds is confined to Board approved programs and projects. Each contribution designated toward a Board approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Board, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program and project will be used where needed most.  

Adopted by the Board of Elders, 

January 31, 2017

Please Note: 

We are not able to accept donations that are designated/restricted to unapproved projects, programs, or ministries; or for other organizations that are not registered Canadian Charities. We will contact the donor should this occur.

Owen Sound
Alliance CHurch
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A Member of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Canada



440 7th Avenue East

Owen Sound, ON N4K 2X3

© 2024 Owen Sound Alliance Church. All Rights Reserved.

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